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Lead Data Scientist

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We are looking for a Data Scientist star to lead our team!

At CropX, we’re driven by the mission to build the most trusted, easy-to-use, and comprehensive agronomic farm management platform in the world, helping farmers and ag businesses grow more profitable and sustainable.

As the leader of our Data Science team, you’ll shape and execute research strategies and data strategies; build and refine statistical, machine learning and AI models; and drive impactful outcomes that propel our products to new heights.

Reporting to CTO

Location – flexible, Israel, USA, Europe

You will be responsible for the following:

·        Lead a high-performing team comprised of data scientists and agronomic domain scientists.

·        Develop new models and high-quality prediction systems integrated with our products.

·        Research and develop innovative approaches and algorithms to extract insights from our data.

·        Work collaboratively in cross-functional teams, including engineers, product managers, and domain experts, to drive impactful data science projects and research initiatives.

·        Work closely with senior leadership on data and AI strategies for the company


·        Prior hands-on experience with quantitative data science in digital farming and/or agronomy domains.

·        Prior experience leading data science teams

·        5+ years of hands-on experience as a Data Scientist or related position

·        Broad knowledge and a strong passion for learning new technologies in the domain of AI and algorithms, staying updated with the latest advancements in the field.

·        Excellent communication and presentation skills

·        Experience using statistical computer languages (Python, R, etc.)

·        Preferred: Experience developing end to end data science solutions in production.

·        Preferred: Knowledge with distributed data/computing tools: Map/Reduce, Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Gurobi, MySQL, etc.

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