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Client Success Manager

WorldwideFull-Time$60K - $80K
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Podchaser: The World’s Most Comprehensive Podcast Database.

Established in 2016, Podchaser has grown from a vision shared on Reddit to a global entity powering podcast discovery. Our talented international team — from developers and designers to data moderators and sales leaders — drives the podcasting ecosystem with deep metadata, advanced tagging, and state-of-the-art recommendation systems.

We’re Hiring: A Client Success Manager at Podchaser sounds exactly like what it is: you manage the success of our clients. This involves client relationship management, product education, being responsible for annual renewals, and driving revenue growth through upsell sales. Navigating the best path through the vast expanses of the podcast ecosystem, the CSM is a critical part of Podchaser’s business operations, the Paul Atreides to the Shai Hulud of the industry

Basic Qualifications:

-You have at least one full year in the public relations industry or similar field

-Additionally either one year experience in CS / Support / Account Management / Sales

-You have a way of connecting with people through excellent communication. Strong written and verbal skills will be needed to develop relationships with our client base.

-You are a multitasker with a high sense of urgency. You are highly organized with strong attention-to-detail.

-You are an effective and efficient problem-solver with strong critical-thinking skills.

-You have an ability to work with a wide-range of personalities and keep a cool head in challenging situations.

Ideal Candidate Traits:

-Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, PR, Business, or a related field.

-Past experience using HubSpot as a CRM.

-Background in podcasting, digital media, mobile, data, or SaaS industries.

-Previous role in a fast-paced startup environment.

-Genuine understanding of podcasting as a medium.

-A proactive, self-driven approach with an eagerness for continuous learning.

Key Responsibilities:

-Maintain existing business with Podchaser, measured by client retention.

-Manage a portfolio of accounts and their teams. Your primary directive is to help our clients get results using Podchaser Pro as quickly as possible, so they can grow their business and serve their own clients.

-You will be responsible for Product Adoption. Every new client is scheduled with a 1-on-1 meeting and onboarding call. From there, follow up with clients to assure their needs are being met, and help to solve any problems they face by communicating problems with the correct teams at Podchaser.

-You will build and lead the relationship with clients while collaborating with the Sales team to share insights across the company. We all learn from each other, and our clients.

-Become a Podchaser Pro! You will use the platform and be responsible for identifying new ways to help the client achieve their goals. This will be a team effort.

-Lead to highlight key opportunities for client and product growth.

-Coach Podchaser Pro clients on best practices. Podcasts are still ‘new media’ and a lot of our clients will benefit from some coaching on best practices when it comes to reaching out to podcasts for advertising and guest placement.

-Serve as a champion for clients needs internally by identifying patterns and reporting into a feedback matrix to highlight ways we can impact our clients perceived value with the product.

Join us in refining the future of podcasting.

$60,000 - $80,000 a year

Total listed compensation (60-80k) is a mix of base salary and quarterly bonus structure.

Podchaser is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.

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